Creating a distinctive brand identity for a new residential development company

Kairoi Residential
Brand Identity

Kairoi Residential is a partner-led company with a unified approach to investing in, developing, and managing multifamily communities.

Since 2002, Kairoi Residential team members have developed or owned more than 27,000 units in many cities and states across the country. Their fiduciary track record and decades of passionate leadership have helped maintain strong relationships and craft unforgettable living experiences nationwide.


In 2017, they partnered with AOR to develop a brand for their businesses. Kairoi Residential was born with a clear mission statement: to deliver value for residents, provide incredible growth opportunities for associates, and generate greater returns for partners — all within their three business lines: Acquisitions, Development, and Property Management.

Our team was tasked with developing a new brand and a new name for Kairoi. The Kairoi team was tasked with coordinating branding for a spinoff of two shared companies. The challenge was ensuring the new brand stood on its own while still leveraging the deep roots and experience found within the Kairoi leadership team. Once the brand was solidified, then the challenge then became weaving it through in a fine-tuned website experience for partners and prospects. In a saturated market with many competitors with similar content, our job was to make the brand stand out to the public.



During the creation of the new brand identity, AOR was aware that there needed to be a positive impact with the messaging, positioning, and overall brand for the new company. We took a very strategic, research-oriented approach to providing insights into the industry landscape to drive the process of creating Kairoi.

We began with a robust discovery phase to learn the full history, reputation, and evolution from the old company to this new subsidiary.

The discovery phase included several steps:

  • Strategic executive/leadership session
  • Face-to-face interviews with key staff members (legacy and new)
  • Phone interviews with industry partners and professionals
  • Competitive analysis
  • Opportunity maps

All of this preliminary research provided the insights we needed to position the brand for future success. As we worked through the brand and its elements, we had in the back of our mind the site map, wireframes, and design of the website to come in the next phase.



Once we completed the research, we began our naming process — the first step in the development of this new brand and site. Focusing on the idea of opportunity, the Kairoi Residential brand was born.

We followed our naming process by exploring every avenue for company naming. For Kairoi Residential, we began by creating a word bank with our client and selecting inspirational naming categories within which to brainstorm.

post it notes organized on window

Word Banking

In order to fully build out their brand’s identity, we asked for input on things like tone, X-factor, and purpose.

naming tree

Name Categories

We provided several types of prompts so Kairoi could help us narrow our approach to their perfect name.

name categories

Name Evaluation

AOR then internally brainstormed with the creative team and internally presented naming options with the full names and strategy behind them.

Prior to sharing any options, we do preliminary search engine and trademark research.We also walk our clients through the proper way to evaluate a name so that the process is objective, not subjective.

We recognize that naming a company is very important and tough. With Kairoi, they narrowed it down to a few names, and AOR continued research on the name to leave no stone unturned.

We then formatted a competitive March Madness–style bracket for final selection. The selection process allowed the Kairoi leadership team to evaluate the name options against one another and select the strongest name with the best story for their brand.

Competitive Maps

The competitive analysis allowed us to identify the areas of opportunity for Kairoi in regards to their Partners and Residents.

competitive maps of logos

Decision Making Tools

We provided a handy checklist each decision maker could use to ensure their selections were based on objective criteria rather than subjective opinion.

screenshots of naming exercise

The Name


(Pronounced Ki-Roy)

The essence of Kairoi is opportunity. Specifically, Kairoi represents moments in time when opportunities are seized. Everything Kairoi does—every day and in every service line—is about creating and capturing opportunities for residents, clients, and investors.

Once we had a name, we began creating a visual identity that embodied the personality of the company. Words such as strong, bold, loyal, and confidence inspired this brand.

AOR wanted to not only create something that would have impact and stand out from the company’s competitors but also create something that truly has an inspirational meaning behind it.

The full brand was born through the creation of a black-and-white logo, followed by a color palette application, and was completed through the development of several brand and marketing assets.

The Website

After the brand was finalized we returned to the designs and development of the website. It was important we tailor the website to the needs of each of their three business lines. We were able to distinguish them from one another and make sure the content was clear and addressed each of their individual audiences.

Entering the market with a new name and brand but ample experience, Kairoi needed to be able to convey their footprint and experience through an interactive map. We integrated with their property management software to accurately, and in real time, pull data related to each of their properties and display it in a user-friendly and digestible way.

kairoi-website (1)
testimonial quote
I have thoroughly enjoyed this project and getting the opportunity to work with such an amazing team. Everyone at your firm is top-notch!
Madeline Biasiolli
Vice President of Design and Marketing, Kairoi

The brand has allowed Kairoi Residential to impactfully launch within the marketplace. The website launch has also created a unique position, allowing Kairoi to differentiate itself from its competitors.

We officially announced the new brand through custom emails from employees to their industry contacts, family, and friends stating that the Kairoi brand was officially live.

We had 27 unique email lists with custom data fields and a total recipient count of over 30,000 individuals. The email’s average open (39.39%) and click-through rate (3.41% ) performed well above industry averages.

The website did what it was supposed to do — uplift the brand, differentiate Kairoi from its competitors, and drive traffic and sales.