Developing unique festival creative for 10+ years.

Denver Film Festival
2016 Marketing Campaign

AOR has been supporting the Denver Film Society (DFS) as an Associate level sponsor of the Denver Film Festival for the past 10 years. Each year we develop festival creative and execute all deliverables associated with the event. Year-over-year the challenge for AOR is to create awareness and drive ticket sales for the festival among Denver locals, the Colorado region and nationwide. We consistently challenge ourselves to bring the festival to life through creative story telling and inspiring branding to create engagement among our audience.


Like years past, deliverables for the festival include regional print and online ads, citywide signage, local television spots and this year a brand new website dedicated to the Denver Film Festival. Over the course of the festival campaign, AOR executes more than 100 unique deliverables and manages the project schedule to keep the larger team on track with all deadlines to ensure a successful event.


With our longstanding relationship with DFS, AOR has become extremely engrained with the festival and the campaign begins to take shape months in advance. We start with creative concepting and once a direction is chosen we work with the DFS team to develop a schedule of deliverables and deadlines. AOR ensures the DFS team approves creative for all deliverables and works as their project management arm delivering all creative materials to required publications and outlets on time.

The partnership and teamwork that has developed over the years ensures a successful campaign and festival. This year’s creative worked to play up the “story telling” element of the festival. It asks attendees to, “Come Sit and Be Swept Away”. This strategic approach to copy and design directly resonates with our audience who attend movies to be taken to another place and experience the love of film.

testimonial quote
This year’s festival screenings sold out faster than ever before—thanks in part to the robust marketing mix and eye-catching creative.
Britta Erickson
Festival Director for the Denver Film Society

website mockup

Three phone screens of website



AOR produced a successful film festival campaign garnering a sell out of all major festival events. Not only was the festival creative well received by our target audience but we also fully executed a robust festival website.


  • Creative concepting
  • Advertising design (print and web)
  • Collateral design (posters, street banners, event signage)
  • Video design (television spots, interactive billboards)


  • Collaboration on site strategy
  • Custom design
  • Significant plug-in modification
  • Elaborate use of Advanced Custom Fields