Ads We Love Right Now


Read Time: 8 Min

The advertising world just keeps getting more and more creative and we keep getting more and more inspired. As a creative agency, we’re always keeping our eyes out for interesting ad tactics, commercials that keep our eyes glued to the screen, and unique ways of finding a solution to a business challenge. We chatted before about our recent favorite creative pieces, but we couldn’t help ourselves, here’s another list of inspirational, hysterical, and tear-jerking advertisements we’ve loved in late 2023 and early 2024 (and yes, there’s a Super Bowl commercial or two in here.)

Read on to see the What, Why, and Who behind some of our latest favorites.

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Native — The Return

Smells Like A Great Ad

What (is it)

What does deodorant do best? It makes you smell good. And everyone has a ‘story to smell.’ P&G’s Native brand needed to think outside the box to connect with its smelly audience, after all, there isn’t much as far as key differentiators for deodorant brands. So what’s unique about Native? This clever, funny, and sweat-stained ad lets audiences know that no matter how soaked your shirt gets or how long you go without a bath, you’ll still be smelling like fresh laundry days later.

Why (we love it)

After one view of this commercial spot, we immediately shared it with everyone in our vicinity and then slacked it onto our friends and family. If that wasn’t indication enough that the ad works, we don’t know what is. It’s funny, clever, keeps our attention, and finds a unique way to simply say ‘long-lasting good smells.’ What’s more long-lasting than being stuck in the wilderness for three days? Exactly.

Who (made it)


Uber Eats — Worth Remembering

What Were We Talking About Again? This ad and ….

What (is it)

It’s hard to forget who Uber is. They’ve made a name for themselves as one of the most popular ride-share services, but now they deliver too, and they want people to remember that. Taking on a Super Bowl commercial is high-stakes and Uber Eats needed to score a touchdown. So, like most Super Bowl commercials, they turned to celebrities and they did it brilliantly.

Why (we love it)

The concept ‘Worth Remembering’ is great in and of itself — ‘In order to remember something, you gotta forget something else. Make a little room.’ We certainly didn’t remember that you could order flowers, books, and even toilet paper on Uber Eats. As the ad plays out, various celebrities appear on screen, forgetting things in the most hilarious way. Jennifer Aniston forgetting David Schwimmer and her time on Friends, Jelly Roll forgetting he has tattoos, and David Beckham forgetting he’s married to a Spice Girl — all well-known pop culture moments and members forgetting in a way that spread chuckles across the nation. It’s certainly an ad we won’t forget.

Who (made it)

Special Group

BMW — Talkin’ Like Walkin

Creative Insight At Its Best

What (is it)

A Superbowl spot for BMW is nothing new but this year’s creative approach sure caught us by surprise. The spot follows Christopher Walken as he goes about his life navigating a constant onslaught of less-than-great imitations of his iconic speech pattern.

Why (we love it)

This is one of our absolute favorite ‘big game’ spots. The genius here is that the creative strategy found a cultural phenomenon (Walken being one of the most imitated actors of all time) and paired it with BMW’s “there’s only one” claim. The coupling makes the claim feel natural because it ties in so well to the story we’re seeing. This is how you leverage celebrity start power as more than just a face.

Who (made it)

Goodby Silverstein

Doritos Dinamita — Dina & Mita

Snack Stealin’ Good

What (is it)

Doritos’ latest commercial is a high-octane adventure featuring our two titular heroes — Dina and Mita. After having the last bag on the shelf snatched away from them, they set off on a journey to reclaim it.

Why (we love it)

This one really puts some fun back in Super Bowl commercials! It feels like something we would’ve seen in the early 2000s — bright characters, a slap-stick plot, and a laser-focused on a snack crave-ability. What’s not to love? We’re keeping our fingers crossed for more of this kind of creative.

Who (made it)

Goodby Silverstein


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Heinz — Ketchup Fraud

Say A Lot With A Little

What (is it)

We all know who Heinz is, only the most well-established (and tasty) ketchup brand out there. Being in people’s minds since 1869 can make it tough to come up with new ways of telling your story. Each year, Heinz needs to ask themselves, how can we share something about ourselves in a clever way, that continues to establish us as THE ketchup brand of choice? And in 2023, we think they knocked it out of the bottle.

Why (we love it)

We live in a world obsessed with brand names. Need a new pair of sneakers? It has to be Nike. Interested in a new purse? People will think I’m cool if I have Gucci. It’s all about what other people think right? Even if restaurants can’t afford to keep Heinz stocked, they want people to think they do, because it’s the best and everyone knows it. ‘Even when it isn’t Heinz, it has to be Heinz.’ What a brilliant way of visually telling this story, highlighting something that is so ridiculous but most likely a reality, and elevating their brand even more than it already is.

Who (made it)

Rethink Ideas

Barbie — Breadcrumb Marketing Technique

Everything They Touch Turns to Pink (And Green)

What (is it)

If you don’t know who/what Barbie is….we’re not sure what you’ve been doing with your life for the past year because she’s been everywhere, and we really mean everywhere. Gretta Gerwig’s The Barbie Movie was released in 2023 after much, MUCH anticipation, and it was a huge box office success thanks to the Barbie marketing team and the movement that followed.

Why (we love it)

It’s rare for a film to become a cultural touchstone before it opens in cinemas, and that’s why we love everything that has to do with Barbie’s marketing leading up to its release. They turned simple marketing into a cultural movement, and they involved everyone. The team attracted over 100 promotional partners, and never said no. Pink is for everyone and they made it known. Warner’s global marketing president, Josh Goldstine, “wanted to embrace a campaign that was as bold and exciting as the movie that Greta was making.’ And so they did. From commercial TV spots, to print advertisements and actual product collaborations, the marketing opportunities for the Warner & Mattel teams were endless. Notable collaborations: Airbnb, Progressive, Crocs, XBOX, General Motors, Prada, and so many more.

Who (made it)

Warner Bros, Mattel (& nearly every brand who wants to be anything following suit)

Tinder — It Starts With a Swipe

We’re Swiping Right On This Ad

What (is it)

This campaign, featuring both static and video ads, brings beautiful art direction and a vibrant palette together to create some unmissable visuals. Everything from the lighting to the costume choices adds more layers to the images and videos, ensuring there’s always something new to enjoy.

Why (we love it)

We already know what Tinder is and the campaign wastes no time telling you what you already know. Instead, it adds personality and intrigue to a phone app by bringing to life a myriad of relationships and ways to meet someone. The representation of queer couples and nontraditional ‘date’ ideas is something we love to see.

Who (made it)

Mischief USA

Penguin AudioBooks — Author Headphones

Coloring Imagination With Unexpected Illustrations

What (is it)

A visually striking set of posters highlighting that the Penguin Books publishing company now offers audiobooks. To bring that message to life, they have illustrated famous authors contorted into the shape of headphones to craft a crystal clear message — you can now listen to your favorite writers.

Why (we love it)

Audiobooks may not be new but this approach to visualizing them certainly is. Just weird enough to catch your eye, these incredible illustrations communicate the message instantly, yet somehow make you want to spend more time looking at the detail and color. The unexpectedly bendy characterization of history’s favorite scribes makes it hard not to smile when you see them.

Who (made it)

McCann India

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